Watching this series again because I am in the mood on watching esekai now. I still like the comfy aspect of it. I so don’t know what it is about esekai that it somewhat gives its views a sense of comfiness. Watching this slime witch esekia somewhat made me realize that esekai isn’t that bad after all. Even though I am sick of watching this genre for a long time now since 2019, watching an esekai now feels right. This is my review on the slime witch esekai, what happened in the episode, and the things I liked about it.
Kuku rock screaming

There is a new character introduced in this series named Kuku. She is from a race of rabbits and she likes singing. What makes her quirky is her music art style. She has some kind of rock metal voice when performing her song. Some people don't like this genre of music, and some people might like this genre of music. Either way, in the anime, she was broke because of their art style when it comes to music.
There is nothing wrong with following your art, in my opinion. I think it is quite good because you tend to express yourself more when using your art style comfortably. But, it is your way of making things that make other people annoyed or make them don’t like your art or music. I think it is not good, in my opinion. What is the best feeling, in my opinion, is that you don’t make your art all about yourself, you should at least do your art for others. Kuku's way of producing music from her heart is good but the way he delivers it to the audience makes the people don’t like her. It feels good if you do it for yourself plus you are doing it for others, in my personal opinion.
Choosing your dream over a job

I like the way this anime put the topic of choosing your dream over your job just like Kuku. It’s a double-edged sword if you ask me. Putting all yourself into your dream and leaving all behind is like tossing a coin in the air and praying to faith that it lands on the right side of the coin. Putting all your effort into your work might get you extremely wealthy and famous but it can maybe put you on the spot of misfortune.
For me, it is at least my personal opinion in all this stuff is. As long as you are happy with what you are doing, go for it. Some people achieved their dream and ended up losing their joy and happiness. And some people don’t pursue their dream and ended up losing their joy and happiness as well. This is my advice, that you should maintain a balance between the two. Achieving your dream while grounded in reality is the way. When you balance your life, you became happier and more fulfilled.
Writing lyrics

In this anime, the girls are making Kuku lyrics for her song. It was pretty wacky if you watched it. The red dragon makes lyrics with the tune of an oldish Japanese folklore song. The elf made some kind of ad campaign lyrics for her nutria spirit brand. The twins are very cute and childish. And the Ghost is very depressed. IT is quirky and everyone make a lyrics based on their character personality, Which I like/
Kuku at a concert with the help of Beelzebub

Beelzabub, help kuku have a gig. It was a concert in a large stadium full of people. It is her chance to show her improvement these couple of days practicing and finding her art style. Did it work? It is nice to see that all her hard work paid off when she performed The song “ arigato” which translated to thank you in English. It was wholesome.
Overall it is a nice episode. There was a character introduced in the series who was a musician. She was chasing her dream but ended up on the streets because she didn’t balance her dream with the reality of her situation. Thanks to the girls, she finds her voice performed at a concert. It was wholesome, In my opinion.