Art is the way an artist can express themselves creatively. Art is when the artist grips the audience through the way he delivers her artworks. Art is when an audience sees it or hears it and says, "the artists put a lot of effort into making this detailed work."In our case, I can say that this series is a work of art not just because it is done by an artist but also because the artist has done a great job making each frame stand out. This is my review of the second episode of the show,
First impressions

There is this scene where Akebi Chan shows her flexibility by bending her body and doing a back flip. Never in my life did I actually meet someone from my high school days and do a back flip for their first impressions. If this actually happened in real life, all attention would be on that girl for the rest of her year. I think Akebi Chan is the kind of girl that wants all eyes to be looking at her. I think she is kind of narcissistic. It's not that I don’t like this character trope in anime or in real life. In fact, it is fun to be with these types of people because they don’t run out of things to say about themselves. But, in my opinion, the problem with this type of person is that, they always think of themselves and not others. However, Akebi-Chan's introduction made me realize what kind of person she is for the entirety of this series. She somewhat want all eyes be on her, that is why she made a clown of herself in front of all there class. I think I know her personality more by this episode. Her first impression to the class is kinda flashy, noticeable and made me think that maybe she was a massive narcissist but that isn’t the case when you think about this second point I am about to tell you,
Remembering names

Akebi chan is taking notes and memorizing names. Actually, remembering other people’s names is not one of those narcissistic traits you see in narcissistic people. In fact, it is a trait of a caring person. This is a trait that you have to get to know other people more, and knowing people more isn’t a narcissistic personality. Wanting to know other people’s personalities is actually a good thing. If you just listen to other people’s feelings, you can easily make a friend. Keeping names is one way of making friends. It means you are somewhat close to a person because names are so precious and important. In most cases, knowing the names of other people means you already have a friend. The more you remember names, the more popular you are.
A little backstory.

She didn’t have friends in her elementary years. Most likely because she was the only student in her class at the time.There were no other kids to play with her. If you look closely enough, it is actually a social issue in all of Japan. It is well known that the number of elderly people in Japan was once greater than the number of young people.The fact that the declining population in Japan was shown in this anime actually tells us that the social issues in Japan are, in my opinion, worrying. In her backstory, we see Akebi Chan as the only student and all alone in her class. It is actually kind of sad, if you think about it.
The father arrives

I’d also like to highlight the fact that the father of Akebi Chan arrives, probably to live with them. Actually, other anime studios and artists usually don’t show or highlight the faces of the fathers for some reason. Cloverworks, on the other hand, cleverly works its way through by putting the protagonist's father in the spotlight.
These are the things I noticed on the show. At first, I thought that Akebi chan was a massive narcissist, but the thing that changed my mind was the fact that she was remembering and memorizing other people's names. It made me think that she has a friendly archetypical personality that will probably make her popular.
