It was an admirable episode where all of the characters faces the hardest part of their careers. It was an uplifting episode about achieving something. The hardship people do just to get a little tiny of being on stage. It was an episode, about humility. It was an episode about dreaming. It was an episode about positivity and thing will all work out at the end if you just believe in it.
This is a review of the show called selection project. It is a show about a group of an idol trying to be the star that everyone loves. It is a show about achieving a dream. It is a show about hope and struggle. This is the eleventh episode of it. And all honesty, this was a strong episode so far. I liked this episode more compared to the previous one.
There time as independents

It's actually a sad situation they were in. For those of you who don’t know what happened to them. In the previous episode, they all got eliminated because of the fact that they refuse to eliminate one of them on the team. It was a pretty cruel thing that the company has done to these contestants if you asked me. Now, they are doing all it by themselves. They do the marketing by themselves. They do the choreography by themselves. They did the composting by themselves. They did the music by themselves. They did it all without a help of a company or people that have the resources to achieve their dream. It was a pretty sad and very low experience for them. It's like all of them, were just doing a school project when doing their thing. But in the end, it all works out, thanks to their perseverance.

It's an episode about never giving up on the things you want to accomplish. Even though the logic was not on your side, you still should achieve the thing that you are dreaming of. All thing is possible for those who believe in it. Humanity believes that it wants to go to the moon and they did. Humanity dreams and nature gives its way. Humanity dreams and the circumstances line up giving way to its feet. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. They are the one that makes things. All things started with a dream and never giving up will make that dream a reality.
Uta is admirable

She is the most humble member of their team. Even though the pressure was on her shoulders, she still want her friends that she meet. She probably likes her friend on their idol group that’s why she stayed. If you look at it, it is quite illogical for her to stay in the group. She is quite popular, honestly. She is a child actress and work in the industry for quite a while. I can’t imagine she is staying to an idol group that is very underground with no one actually watching. It is humility and the need to be on the side of the friends she cherishes. It was an inspiring thing that Uta is so humble that logic was thrown out of the window. I really liked Uta on this episode, for me she shines most on this one.
Nagisa is the voice of reason

I can’t blame her. It was a really illogical thing to do voting themselves out of the contest. But in the end, they did all that by themselves. They refuse to eliminate one of their friends because the bond that the nine of them have gotten stronger throughout the contest. Nagisa always brought the stuff that if they have chosen to vote properly, this thing would happen. The damage has been done, and they accepted all of it with pride and dignity. That I think, is the most important thing.
The song and dance

The song is about never giving up message. Which is timely personal for me. It was a song about achieving a goal that you want to accomplish. This type of song is actually uplifting to the person's soul. It was a song about healing a person. It was a song needed by people who are achieving something. It is a song about aiming for a dream and making them come true.
The song is 2d, which is a good thing in my opinion. Compared to the previous episode where the insert song was on 3d. This time the song and dance were in 2d. The 2d things are probably hard to do because of the fact that you need to at least animate a dance. Dances are really hard to do in 2d because of the movements and choreography on them. However, the studio put 2d animation on it, which is very nice to put on the anime, in my opinion.
The CEO decided to bring them back

The most important thing that happened at the end of the episode is that it all work out at the end of the show. The CEO of the selection project decided to bring the entire team back to the show. It all has a nice ending to the story which should be. If a story doesn't have a good conclusion, it is not good literature. Same through anime, if things don’t work out on end and the protagonist of the story losses, it is not a good show. Having a good conclusion on this episode makes the story more special and more satisfying to watch. It was a good ending to the episode.
A lot of things happened about the girls facing the circumstances of being independent. But in the end, it all worked out because of the member's humbleness towards each other. The girls never gave up and made an inspiring dance number for the audience that is watching. It was good storytelling.
