In this episode, we are introduced to the theme that is very well known and see to every couple relation in their marriage. The question does the material things matter more than the feeling of love? This question is important since it's sometimes can make the relationship better or sometimes worst. By looking at episode 5 of the show we are meeting with our couple buying a television which foreshadowing us that his episode will be all about the topic.
Wedding rings theme on this episode.

In this episode, our Nasa kun was pumped up because of the scene from the previous episode where they kissed together in a church, and the thought of giving Tsukasa a weeding ring sound very romantic on the head of Nasa kun. He said that it will be their symbol of love. Actually, wedding rings are a symbol of love in the Christian world. Wedding rings are used to be worn by the female because it symbolizes that she was taken over by other males, it symbolizes that he was married. With the help of the wedding ring, another male won’t able to take away the female because polygamy is wrong and illegal. It is a sign that that woman or man is bond with the marriage and other people shouldn’t interfere with them. Maybe this was on the mind of Nasa kun when he was thinking of giving Tsukasa a wedding ring. With that, they go first to an expensive store to see the prices of the wedding rings. To the shock of Nasa kun, it cost more than his current money in the pocket. It's over millions of yen in cost. Tsukasa wanted to crush Nasa kun dream to give her a wedding ring by going to an expensive store. This scene is funny and it made me smile, to be honest. Then they go to a cheaper store and brought the cheaper. It is fine since Tsukasa likes the thought of giving her special by Nasa kuns will to buy her a beautiful ring. They ended up with a nice and cheapest ring because that was the only thing that was affordable by their budget. It was a good wedding ring episode tackling a married couple’s take on the wedding ring topic.
Can a wedding ring and engagement ring affect a relationship?

On the note of the first paragraph on this one we will see if a wedding ring can affect the relationship. Number 1, wedding rings can help identify a person if he or she was engaged, this way there is trust build between the couple that gives the two of them peace in their relationship. A wedding ring gives peace of mind to the couple that they won’t be able to make a jealous thought on the other half. Wedding rings also shield you from potential bad actors in the relationship, as I said earlier it is a beacon that tells that this individual shouldn’t be with other people because she or he has a wedding ring. Wedding rings also make a relationship happy. As we see in this episode, Tsukasa was happy Nasa kun put a thought of giving her a wedding ring. That right, giving a girl some romantic thing makes her go blush inside. This way if the woman is happy, the relationship is happy.
Cheap rings versus expensive once

There are good and bad benefits the cheap wedding ring and expensive wedding rings. First, the expensive wedding ring is expensive enough that it will make your wallet cry by seeing its price however if your wife receives it, she will become happy and her beautiful smile will reach the moon. The cheaper one, on the other hand, is affordable and your wallet will be happy and its smile will reach the moon however it will make your wife sad because you can only afford the cheap thing. This two, the cheap and expensive once are actually a battle between our wife and your wallet. You have to choose between the two of them.
The episode is all about the wedding ring and how it affected a relationship of a two loving couple.