This is my review on the show called — .this are the things that I noticed when watching the show. To be honest there are a lot of things to talk about what happened in this episode. But these are the thing that I noticed when watching the show,
The problem of the elf

In this episode, there is this elf that is some kind of saleswoman. She sells some energy drinks to her customers, but due to misunderstanding she thought that she poisoned one of her customers, she ended up running for her life. And in the end, it turns out the customer wasn’t poisoned because of the misunderstandings. Misunderstand us such a scary word. In the past, misunderstandings started wars and sometimes ruin cities. Misunderstanding can make think that something there isn’t there. In our case, the misunderstanding between the elf and the customer is quite severe because the elf thought that her customer will kill her. In reality, the customer only wants to make her more of that energy drink so she chases after her
They are eating mushrooms

They the elf is knowledgeable about mushrooms she knows what is poisonous, what is healthy to eat, and what is a mushroom with drug-like properties on them. In this case, the elf “accidentally” eats the mushroom that has some kind of drug-like properties on it that will make you lose yourself and make do the humiliating thing. The elf did this deplorable thing of doing this seductive pose because she was high on the mushrooms she eat. I am not making light of the subject of the drug on this one and drugs is pretty much-destroying anyone else’s life because of the addiction to it. Drugs are pretty much a dangerous thing and you should stay away from them as far as you can. You do the thing that will humiliate you when you are high on the drug, in our case the elf eats this mushroom and regrets her decision and apologizes to the witch. Luckily that witch is a good witch that is good but if that happens to me to one stranger I only meet once. I will not hesitate to disown her or something
Befriended a demon

The demon that chasing them turns this into some kind of a fly form and enters the witch's house without anyone noticing her. She ended up flying to the magic barrier and hurt herself in the process. I like the nature of the helpful witch and help demon even though those demons are supposed to be hated because of their evil nature. It turns out that the demon in this anime isn’t that bad because she is some kind of friendly demon that likes cute girls. The witch helps a stranger even though maybe that stranger she was helping might turn out to be some kind of evil being that might kill them. The witch is so helpful she helps a demon.
It was a wacky episode, in my opinion, I like how there is another member of to there family that likes mushrooms. And they befriended a demon because the protagonist of the story is helpful to anyone.