Emilico’s back to her senses

This episode where kate forces emilico to drink plenty of water because she found out that in order to make emilico back to her senses, she have to do it. Even tho emilico is experiencing discomfort, kate still order her to do it.
Emilico got kidnapped

Oh my goodness, emilico is kidnapped by there judge on the pervious test. I still don’t know why he do it but it seems like it he just want there king to noticed her. It like a son wants his father to noticed him. Howerver it seems innocent on the first glace, but when you do crazy stuff like kidnapping just to impress someone is pretty uncool and bad. If you want to empress someone , in my opinion .just do your job well with pride and honest and probably the king might noticed that.
Shadows house is kidnapping children in exchange to coal

This is pretty much insane and stupid in my opinion. You want to exchange your sons and daughter for some cheap coal is pretty stupid and unjust. Seems like there are something wrong with this folks living on this anime. If you are a parents or guardian you shouldn’t allow strangers to take care of your sons and daughters. They might harm them and do bad things to them. When you allowed others to raise your children, you are a bad parent
The dark side of shadows house

Seems like, shadows house is a terrible place that exploited children to get there evil desires on them. And looks like the real villain on this show isn’t the judge but the king on that manor. It seem to me that he is the root of all evil. I kind want to finish the show and see how our protagonist escape and others as well.