It is the most interesting animation while commenting about society you'll ever watch. It is a powerful art that tells the most timely and realistic things that happening in 21’st century humanity. How every detail tells a gruesome reality about what humanity is facing in the modern climate.
In this blog, I will Break down the things that we can take from watching this video. If you didn’t watch the video yet it will encourage you to watch it on youtube for free. It is an animation made by steve jobs and feel free to subscribe to him. I will put all the links below so please give him a visit, thanks.
Rats represent Humans

The word "rat race" comes to life in this animation. The rat race is the term most people use when they want to criticize people on what they are doing about chasing the things they want. Rat race means people are racing for things materially by working their butts off something they want. The rat represents humanity is pretty accurate in this animation.
Materialism isn’t all bad, because material things will give you happiness however most of the time this happiness is only temporary. Most of the things in this world are temporary. An example of this is a cellphone, whenever you bought the thing, you immediately have this feeling inside you that you are happy with the purchase, however, after a few months or years, the feeling is gone and the happiness, once you own the phone, will desperate. Another example of this is buying a house, at the first few months you are happy and feel contents owning a house, however as time goes on, you became unhappy and try to buy bigger houses. The feeling we have when we buy things is only temporary, once time passes the feeling of happiness fades,
Over exaggerated rat fights

There is this scene in this animation about rats fighting each other and biting each other. This is because there is a Black Friday sale in the store of the rats. I found this scene somewhat hilarious when the hands of the rats flew in the air. Some of these rats probably died there.

In my opinion, the way steve cuts portray the fights is kinda over the top in here. In real life, people don't bite each other to the point that their hands will come off and fly in the air just because of a black Friday sale. Even though that didn't happen in real life But Steve Cuts is just trying to tell a message about her.
He wants to say that humanity is sometimes like these rats metaphorically. They are these people when this type of sales came out, they brawl with each other. Fighting over silly things such as a shirt on sale, or television on sale. Steve is telling us that fighting over these material things is pretty stupid.
Drinking alcohol on the animation

In one scene in this animation, when the rat protagonist encounters a problem with his car. He drinks some beers on that hanging out on the billboard. These sizes of beers are 3 times the sizes of that rat. Again it's not quite a realistic portrayal, however, It tries to tell us some message about drunkenness. In this scene, the rat past is put of consciousness because of alcohol.
This is a commentary about drunkenness. The author of the animation wants to tell us about the wrong of drinking too much. He wants us to get the message that alcohol won't take away your problems. Whenever you have problems, do not go to alcohol because it will lead you to make more problems. The way the artist tells us that alcohol is bad in this animation is well done.
Drugs on the animation

The worst thing that happened to that rat was the problem drugs. I liked how the animator has done this one. The scene goes at the low part of the rat, offering and prescribing him more happiness with drugs. The scene goes telling us that drugs are only temporary happiness, just like alcohol and all other material things in this world.

However, in my opinion, the worst thing that happened to the rat was when he seek out drugs to solve his problems. It is telling us a metaphor when that rat falls from the highest heights. It is a metaphor for falling on the dominance hierarchy. Falling, losing, and breaking something. An example of this is losing a job. Breaking out of a relationship. Falling to addiction. These are only a few examples and there are plenty of the worst things drugs will do to you. I might not give it justice with this post these are the things drug addictio0n will do to a person.
Chasing for Money

There is this scene about the rat chasing a dollar. It is quite an interesting scene and it is clearly a metaphor about people chasing money and luxury in their life. Instead of chess, the animator uses money as its trap. The mouse got trapped on a full-time job at a company at an office job.
There is nothing wrong with working at an office job however working with no freedom and being trapped in a pretty dire situation if you asked me. Humanity needs freedom and creativity. Without creativity, a human will lose his soul to a job.

One small detail that made me realize that this animation is a masterpiece is when there is one guy on it that wasn’t a rat. It was Donald Trump. I liked this detail very much because it is really telling us that the only person who wasn’t a rat was an entrepreneur. I pretty much agree with the message here. The entrepreneur was the creative people that run the society. These creative people are entrepreneurs, politicians, governments, and artists. They are the ones that make the society and how is it right now. All creative, jobs are not chain binding mouse trapping money-seeking way of living.

A criticism

My only criticism of this animation. All of this animation and effort was put into making and delivering a message and it was a criticism of the modern 21st century way of living. I pretty much criticize the critique of modern society portrayed in this animation. If you look at the data throughout the day since humans first burst into consciousness, life in the modern 21st society is somewhat improved. At least today you have a car rather than riding a horse and joining wars for your country. Today the society becoming more and more peace unlike in the ages of times where people struggle to keep their houses and families safe from conquerors, like the Vikings, the English, and another colonizer. I pretty much don’t agree with some of the messages criticizing society.
In conclusion, I Like the human aspect of the animation especially because a person is represented as a rat, even though it is somewhat not realistic. The human aspect of the animation was the bread and butter of the animation however the social aspect of the animation was pretty much doesn’t represent the reality of the situation, in real life.

The personal critique about individuality is good however the overall critique on society isn’t really representing a good message, in my opinion.