In this episode the plot progresses and seeing the whole thing from Satoko's perspective.
She brought a gun

It started with Satoko getting contacts through his uncle. She needs contacts to purchases the gun. We don’t know why she brought a gun in the first place however I find it cliché that a loli holding a gun is meta on the weeb sphere. Loli and gun are like milk and bread. It matches it very well. You will see these things if you are culture on the weebs sphere. She even practices on the previous timeline with the help of her friend, the green-haired girl, who knows how to hold a gun.
They won the lottery

It interests me to see the power of Satoko in motion. If you about it living on the same timeline over and over again, you probably memories all the events on that timeline. Minor and major events like a lottery, horse races, etc. In this episode, Satoko uses this power once and tried to win the horse race with her uncle who was broke at that time. They were able to win due to probably Satoko already know the results of the event on the horse races. They won in the end.
At least the plot progresses

The reason why I continued watching this anime even though it's like hell watching repeatable stuff. Is that I want to how the story is going to hit its landing. We all know that Satoko will be caught by Rena, seeing the stuff in the previous season. I am pretty curious about how this story ends, whether we are going to get satisfaction on the series or not.
Satoko brought a gun with the lottery money and probably use it to her advantage as the plot goes on.