There were plenty of things that happened. Things that are quite funny if you look at them. Things that will make you smile whenever you see the scene on the show. It was a wholesome scene, very thoughtful in terms of directions. There are things to look about at the end of the episode that will make you see what will happen next. The cliffhanger makes you wanna see whats happens next. It was a good episode in my opinion. These are the things that happened on it.
Awarding the witch

Because the witch helps the war between red dragons and blue dragons end. She was awarded an award for the peace price or something. It was an award for helping the war end between an opposite side of the spectrum. It was a cool award if you look at it. Imagine helping stop a war. Imagine you stop ww2 and that whole thing never happened because of you. That was the same as things that happened here. Of course, the king in that region will reward you. In our case, the witch was awarded a peace prize which is pretty cool if you ask me.
They're going to the demon realm

The award that will be awarded will be held on the demon continent. It was a continent full of demons, and the king leaves in there. Their family got to some kind of cruise, some kind of first-class seat. They treated well just like a real cruise. In all honesty, I want to go abroad and maybe ride on a luxurious cruise one, it seems relaxing and awarding. Anywho, it was a good sight, seeing the girls enjoying themselves on that cruise.
Beelzebub sees through the protagonist

There is this short scene where Beelzebub sees through what is really in the head of the protagonist. The protagonist always denies all the praise Beelzebub throws at her. She concluded that the protagonist is the kind of person who has no ambition in her life. The protagonist doesn’t want praise, glory, or money. She only wants one thing, the protagonist only wants to relax all her life. That’s is the protagonist's only goal. Beelzebub sees through this paradigm of hers, that’s why she said the phrases. “You don’t have ambition, do you” to the protagonist.
While it is a humble thing to say on the ones that praise you. It also tells about yourself, that you don’t have any wants ambition in your life. Ambition is what makes a human, human. It is what makes, a human move. It is what makes a human seeks. Ambition is a good thing and I have to disagree with the protagonist on this one. Ambition is the thing that takes humanity to the moon. Ambition is the thing that the technology and the internet’s birthplace. Without ambition, there will be no internet today. Without ambition, the human is still in the forest eating nuts of trees. Without the desire to be better than yesterday, humans will cease to exist. Ambition is what makes humans act like human beings. It is a part of our DNA.
I have to disagree with the protagonist on this one. I disagree because she has no ambition in her life.
The Famous Last Words

There is this scene where the ghost reminisces on the night sky and has this type of monologue about heaven. And the elf came out and joined the conversation. The scene is rather suspicious. It's like there are things evil is going to happen to them or something. The interaction they have in this scene seems like famous last words. But overall, it was a wholesome scene, in my opinion.
Meeting the demon king

Everyone expects the demon to be a strong male character in this episode, including me. I also thought that the demon king would be a king. But instead, it was a queen. It took me of surprise that it was a loli. Maybe because it is an anime or something that’s why the author wants her demon king to be a cute demon loli or something. It Is anime with its anime character trope.
The elf was punished

The interesting thing that happened in this episode is that the elf accidentally hurt the demon king and knock her out. The demon king is unconscious because of the headbutt of the elf right into her face. It was a comedic scene. And the elf got into the prison. It's like meeting a president, and you want to shake her hand but accidentally punch him in the stomach. Of course, the guard will arrest you
It was pretty cool episode
