disclaimer: this is a sensitive topic and read this with seriousness
Hentai is a genre of anime that is more targeted towards adults. It is an animation form of sexual acts of the character made to watch by adults as a form of entertainment. It is an animated porn
It is quite known that most of the otaku watch or read doujin. The topic of hentai and doujins being quiet doesn’t come up in the conversation. The topic is very sensitive that most of the people involved in this sort of stuff don’t want to talk to other people and their families about it. This topic is very serious and should be addressed especially in the times like this.
What is pornography

The word actually just came out in the 18th century from the Greek word porneia and graphe. Proneia means fornication, sexual immorality, prostitution, perversion, and adultery. While the graphe means writings, drawings, and expression. The two words combined indicate that pornography is an act of proneia with its medium of writing, drawings, and expression.
Lusting is dangerous

Lust is a dangerous thing that is hiding in all of us. The problem of lust isn’t talked about normally in conversations because it is a self problem and most people having lust don’t talk about it in the open. Lust is like a snake waiting for its opportunity to strike in. It is cunning and dangerous. If you don’t acknowledge its existence, it will devour you like prey. It is a predator that lurks with us.
The problem with prostitution

It is known that people in Japan don’t usually discuss the problem within itself. This problem has been in the culture since it was founded. It was like a lich sucking the country and making them sick. Prostitution is a problem. Not because it gives the government money but because it is making its citizen immoral. It will have its own consequence, not in the society as a whole but its effect is in every individual.
Russia statistics of prostitution correlated to suicide statistics

Russia is one of the countries that had the largest amount of prostitutes in their country. If you look at the statistics, Russia also has the highest suicide rates in the country. This is because the problem of prostitution in the country is correlated to its suicide rate. This proves that the higher a countries prostitution counts the higher its suicide rate is.
This is also happening in Japan. The amount of suicide rate is correlated to the rates of prostitution. Japan as a country has this infamous reputation because of the forest that most of the people commit to killing themselves. It is the suicide forest. Suicide forest is where japan kills themselves.
The reason why this is happening, why the prostitution statistics correlated to the suicide statistics is because the effect of prostitution is on the individual level. If you look at the work of prostitutes on the individual level. Prostitutes tend to give their reputation on the line when they are doing their job. And when the prostitute grows older and her body becomes unsuited for the customers, she will lose all that defines her as an individual. She will lose her job when she becomes older. She will feel a feeling of a wall blocking her way. She lost her reputation as a woman and the respect of the people surrounding her. This is why the correlation between the statistics of prostitution and the suicide rate is linked. This is not a coincidence.
The otaku killer
Tsutomu Miyazaki is a person very well known in Japan. He is an otaku who is perverse and a very filthy, disgusting person that lives in japan. She kill young girls and raped them. He is a weeb who tarnished the word otaku in japan. He is a psychopath who likes manga and anime. He is a serial killer who rapes her victims. He is the worst, most vile, pervert, disgusting, ugly, criminal in Japan. The otaku killer is an example of a person who watches hentai way too far. This will happen to you if you watch hentai.
Watching hentai is morally wrong? Yes, because sexual immorality is bad that can cause deplorable acts from all sides. It can cause depression and can result in criminal actions.