I can tell from the gist of it that this episode is an episode about leaving one family member. Leaving is both a sad and happy moment at the same time. Sad because leaving means you won’t be able to see your love once again. While happy because that’s someone is going out and making new experiences in her life which means new beginnings plus new opportunities in life. In this episode all of this is noticeable. This is my review on it, this is the thoughts that I have while watching the episode.
The red-haired girl isn’t leaving

In the last episode, there is this kind of cliffhanger where the red dragon is asking for her to return home. When in fact that she was just attending a wedding of her sister. The studio probably put this up this way because they want to make their audience somewhat excited to see what will happen next episode. Cliffhanger is one of the things that is making a series more interesting because you are waiting to see what happened on the next episode of the series. Cliffhangers is also an anime original kind of thing where the studio will put some originality onto the series they are working it. Originality is what makes an anime unique and it is what makes the anime more interesting in my opinion. In the end, the studio has to put the decision to make a cliffhanger last episode to keep the audience engaged.
Blue dragon’s havoc

The reason why did the blue dragons causing havoc on the weddings on any red dragons' activities, is obviously because of bitterness. Bitterness is the start of anything bad. Bitterness is cancer in society that needs to be removed. It was one of the factors why one country fight another country. It is the reason why world war 1 happened, back in the time where people want to beat each other up for no reason but bitterness on each other. Bitterness also started ww2 when Hitler saw the jews doing well in their life. This is the worst thing that came to humanity. We often want the things that aren’t ours. We became jealous of the things that the other people a happy with. Bitterness makes a person’s vision darken. It is what makes a human blind.
One good thing about all of the things on here about bitterness is that bitterness is an inside and personal thing that humanity can fight. Once you are conscious about the feeling that sets you apart when you see the other side's success, you can fight this feeling because it is part of your personality. Bitterness, even though it causes the world chaos, can be easily dealt with, once you understand and become aware of the feelings that make you down. Consciousness is another way to fight this chaos. Consciousness is the peace that makes the world a better place to leave in. Fighting betterness will make this world a better place.
Every time you see that your neighbor has those expensive cars or whenever your neighbor has a big and luxurious living. Be aware that bitterness will eat you and make your eyes blind. Remember that bitterness is a dark and blinding power that can easily be dealt with without acknowledging it existed. Once you acknowledge the feeling that entering you, you recognize the things that makes your eyes and mood in a bad state. Where in all reality it is only on yourself that makes this whole thing chaotic. When you recognized all of this when consciousness enters in when this happened instead of bitterness. You will be recognized that there is peace inside you. The peace that makes this world a better place. Instead of cursing your neighbor, you will become to bless them. Making this world become a better place to leave in.
In our case when the blue dragon realizes that she is bitter about the thing that she was not a part of. She blesses the couple and gives them their blessing to leave happy in their place. That is peace. When you recognize the feeling in you that makes you in a bad mood and make peace with it. The blue dragon gives her blessing to the couple.
Her big sister’s leaving

It's sad to see that she was leaving her big sister. Leaving is a sad event in life and is making someone in a dark place. But keep these things in mind. Leaving someone is part of life. Once you recognize that everybody will leave you eventually and you will leave them one they, you will find peace in mind. Death is part of life. Whenever you leave someone, it symbolizes death. Death is a sad thing to have in this world. But in reality when you recognize that sadness within you, that eventually all people die whether you like it or not. Or you be leaving them to one day. You should recognize this feeling that everybody will leave you one day. Death is a part of life after all. Once you recognize these things, you will act on them every time you are with them the most as if they were your last. Love every moment that someone or something within you and that makes every moment you were in precious and special. Every moment is should be precious and special because you don’t know whenever that someone is going to leave. Once you recognize that leaving is part of life, it makes you spend those moments while you are with them much more special and precious.
It was a good episode in my opinion.