It was a visual novel about a guy who is an artist that paints professionally for a living. It is a visual novel about a guy with three girls in his life. One girl named Valerie, who is the one who's the protagonist know for a longer time. Linda, the girl who's the protagonist’s muse that the protagonist likes to draw and get inspiration from. And lastly, Angela, the girl who is a prodigy that likes the protagonist. She is a student of the protagonist.
These are the things that happened in this visual. If you tend to play with the same plot or gameplay, take note that the choices probably aren’t similar to mine. I probably chose a different route that led both of us in the different endings and plots. These are just the things I encounter in the visual novel while playing it. These are just my comments and the thought that running in my mind while playing it.
What happened in the story

In the first part of the story, the protagonist meets all the girls in the visual novel. The first introduced girl was Valerie, she is very helpful at the start of the story. She somewhat helps the protagonist in his darkest times. She is also a painter that accidentally has the same paint as the protagonist. Because of the same paintings as the protagonist, the people accuse the protagonist of plagiarism. She is somewhat there to help the protagonist back on her feet and help him go back to the art scene.
The other introduced next was Linda. There is a theory-building on the protagonist's mind that she came from the painting of him because of the fact that the protagonist painted her on a canvass. She painted a girl and turned out to be real and looking for her. There is this kind of mystery element involved in the story by just introducing the girl named Linda into the scene. Did she come from the painting the protagonist painted? Why does everything the protagonist paints come to life? These are the things that lurk in the background when these things are introduced.

Lastly, we are introduced to the girl named angela. She was a prodigy who likes the protagonist in some way. She is also along with term fan of the protagonist. The two of them have this kind of chemistry that revolves around mentor and student kinda relationship. Among all the girls she has less screen time. She rarely is in the scene may be because the writer didn’t favor her as much.
The plot was revolving around, making the protagonist come back to the art scene and figure out what is the mystery revolving around the protagonist's power to seemingly paint the future. There is a lot of plot twists revolving around the series, I think it is quite interesting that this was put in there. It was good storytelling and you will not get bored with the story. It was really interesting and mysterious. The things that are happening were really good storytelling.
My favorite scene in this episode was the part when the protagonist has to choose between the thereof theme. Angela is pretty cute and clingy to the protagonist, and she is somewhat making me jealous she is with this guy named Nathan. The two of them broke out and she is all alone now. It somewhat gives me the urge to choose her.

The next one is Valerie, I like her because she was there when I am down. She also helps the protagonist in the exhibition of her art. There is this scene where Valerie rushes out and gets the painting of the protagonist and displayed it on the art gallery for the sake of the protagonist. She seems to care so much about the protagonist. She is the one I want to be at the end of the story the most from the very start of the game. But there is a plot twist, that made me somewhat rethink all the things I liked about this character in the story. She is somewhat, involves in some conspiracy that wants to make the artist lose their job. This organization wants to get rid of art and the artist as a whole. Her father and Nathan were involved in this conspiracy or something. At the plot twist, in the end, she was involved in the villain's side that wants to get rid of artists such as the protagonist. Maybe the caring feeling she gave to the protagonist at the end was all a lie all along. That the care she give to the protagonist was a form of guilt inside her. This is the reason why the chooses at the end was very difficult

Linda is very praised by the protagonist very well. She is the most beautiful girl in the eyes of the protagonist. Figures, because of the number of praises the protagonist gives to this girl. In the end, Linda turns out to not be a girl that came out on the protagonist painting, but instead, she has this incredible plot twist that caught me off guard. She has amnesia. She came to the protagonist's doorsteps because she was drawn by the art of him. Amongst all the girls she is the girl you wanted to take care of. You need to protect her.

In the end, I choose Valerie. The choose was I made was because she was there when I am down and help me out of that darkness. In the end. I somewhat regret my decision because the protagonist kissed angela earlier before the confession. It's not like some kind of sweet kiss but it is some kind of very passionate kiss where the protagonist kissed her lick her neck. She is the first kiss of the protagonist ever since this story begin. The protagonist probably regrets his decisions because she saw Linda crying. It was a heartbreaking moment on his part. Plus Linda is staying in the protagonist's house in the first place. It was probably the wrong choice when I choose Valerie at the end. I feel somewhat dissatisfied with my choice on this one.
Moral things I learn from this visual novel.
It was a story about an artist coming back at her feet from the mud of humiliation. The helping hand of the girls is also admirable, the way they were helping the protagonist to come back on his feet was a really good thing to learn things from. That having friends is important in helping you come back from the land of the dead to the land of the left. Friends will give you hope for the future. If you choose the right friends they will help you in the darkest times.
It was a good visual novel, as far as I am concerned. The story was really good because of the plot twist and turns. The characters are very appealing because all of them have very likable character designs. It was a well-put visual novel.