On this, I will try to justify why I like Nanako the most out of other characters on the show remake our life. For those of you who don’t know who Nanako was. She is a female character in the show remake our life. She has yellow hair and is one of the potential love interests of the protagonist on the show. The good thing I like about this character is that, She is good at singing

I like the fact that she was actually good at singing on this show. There was this episode where she performed on the stage in the maid costume and sing for the crowd. That was the part when I like him as a character. She is singing a “God knows” song in that scene. I first heard that song way back in the day where Haruhi Suzumiya on his show sing that song as well, it is really nice to know that was the song choice the studio made for her. It’s really good. I like that the studio made her a singer and it was really good for her as a character to be a singer. She is in love with the protagonist

One of the strongest traits of her is was the fact that she was in love with our protagonist. Every time there where romantic tension between them, it made me skip a beat. The scene I like the most was where Nanako hugs kyuya from his back that caught him off guard. It was a nice scene with good delivery, the music on that scene was perfect/ It was a sweet scene where most of it was hugging and cuddling. By the entirety of the anime, I can say that Nanako is a hopeless romantic character of the show. She is hopeless because she didn’t win at the end of the show, and romantic because she knows she was in love with you. I really like the fact that she is so in love with kyouya. She has a good personality

She has one of the good personalities out of the other characters of the show. She easily blushed and was seemingly a good friend to have. She is a cool and chill character to hang out with. She helps kyouya every time she need help on the app. She is seemingly a good girl who is has a nice personality.
These are the things that stand out about this character because She is pretty, She is a gyaru, She has yellow hair, She is cute and she is ayotuber or nicocoer. I can’t give her justice on this blog but there are the things I like about her.