Looks like shin is dead

I can’t believe it shin is dead. He lied to his teammates and selfishly fight the enemy, which resulting him to go die. His selfishness consumes him. They should have run away and hide but they didn’t.
Looks like the whole squad is dead.

Even tho it is remarkable that they want to help there teammate in need. They also charge brainlessly onto the enemy. Don’t get me wrong helping someone in need is very admirable in someway, however when you don’t use logic in some way, you are doom. Heck, shin sacrificed already his life for them however that rendered useless because his teammate lacking logic in someway. You should use logic and brain power sometimes because it will help you In circumstances. you should just use heart all the time because sometimes your heart can lead you to death
The major go actually go to the field and visited

I actually surprised that the major visited after all of them are dead. She should have visited long ago and meet shin. Despite of that , it is kinda admirable that she did that. She brake some rules and go there by herself. She done what no other have done before.
I don’t know what will happen on the next episode

The protagonist is dead, the team is dead and the major has new cast of soldier. I don’t know what will happen honestly. Let just see the next episode.