It is quite a roller coaster of emotion watching this anime. There is plenty of heart raising and heart skipping event happened on this episode. A lot of stuff happened here and there, and it was quite an interesting turn of events. I wrote this blog because I wanted to talk about the stuff that’s happened in this episode.
Our boys and their potential love interest

Each and every one of them now has a love interest toward each other. The other one is two-timing while the other one is his childhood friend. This is quite common in this type of genre because it will make the viewers of the anime engage since they often time self inserted themselves into the protagonist especially the ones with the harem elements on them. If you want to get those people to watch your show this is necessary to the anime. Love interest should be on the anime you are making.
Nana seems to confess on our protagonist

It is quite an intense episode since our Nana confesses to our protagonist weirdly. She uses her boobs and puts them on the top of our protagonist's head and she says it was intentional. She also says that “I won't lose” to our protagonist's face. This is obviously flirting in plain sight and it is quite exciting to watch.
Our protagonist is reliable

Everyone seems to be relying on our protagonist. From cooking to making all things work in their life, everyone seems to be relying on him. This is probably normal since she is 29 years old inside and he probably knows more stuff than those kids on their 19teens.
The episode is full of love tensions because Nana confesses to our protagonist. After all, or protagonist is a reliable Man.
