Kyoya got back to the future however it is a different kind of future where most of the stuff that is happening wasn't on the expectation of kyoya. It is a world where,
The platinum generation wasn’t on this timeline

It’s sad to see that most of the platinum generation members aren’t doing so well. their futures change because of the fact that most of their future was change thanks to kyoya. Nana isn’t popular apparently in this world. She was still uploading videos on the net however her videos aren’t that popular compared to the stuff she was doing on her previous timeline all thanks to kyoyas interference on her [revios life. Shinoaki also stops drawing, because she has a kid now. For her, it is more important that she take care properly of their kids as a married couple. Almost most of them aren’t successful thanks to kyoya. This is really saying to the fact that whatever we do or don’t do really matters because it t affected the lives of others around us. It is sad to see the platinum generation wasn’t a ting because of kyoya’s interference.
Kyoya living the life he wants

He was able to live the life he wanted, A happy life with his beautiful wife and kid. It was his dream come true. But at what cost? The best future of his friends.
This girls voice is Rie takahashi

All the sad things aside. I want to talk about the fact that this girl's voice was rie takahashi. When the first time I saw her on the screen and listen to her voice I immediately knew and asked in my mind “is this the same voice actor as Megumi of kunosuba?”. Is this emilia? It's actually nice to hear that they put megumin's voice actress on this show.
Overall, it was a nice episode where we see all sorts of things happening in the future that kyoya wanted.
