Apparently, there is only 12 episode of the show and this is the last one these anime have. Did it hit its landing? Is the Last episode any good? These are the question I am also asking while watching the final scenes of the show. It was a heart-raising episode if you ask me. It was a thrilling scene when the two teams fighting in this episode.
Dream monkeys won

It is probably not good if the protagonist loses a battle at the final episode. I have seen these results from miles away. The way they won against the opposing team is kinda satisfying to watch honestly. All of the worries and plot walls have been breakdown by events unfolding. Even though when the enemy team scored, it gives me anxiety but in the end, It was satisfying when manaka scores on the enemy team.
I like the message that this anime brings. There is this catchphrase on this anime that tells about “the bond that connects our heart”. This catchphrase pretty much sums up this entire anime. It is the bond these girls have while playing ice hockey. The message that this anime wants to give this audience is team comradery. It is a team effort that brought each one of them to victory. They can’t win by themselves all alone. They need each other as a team to win the game.
Applying this message is difficult. One downside of this message is that each one of us is different from each others. We are individuals with different gifts and talents. Sometimes we fight because of our differences. However, this anime teaches us that even though we are different beings and individuals. We can connect ourselves with other people. The answer to the “bond that connects our heart” is really simple. It is goals.
Goals are the ones that make individuals connect and think the same. Even each and everyone has a different personality as long as they have the same goal, they will cooperate. Example of this, when the first humanity goes to the moon. It was NOT the goal of only one individual. It was the goal of an entire country at that time. America connects the bond of their hearts and goes to the moon.
Pieces of Advice that we can get by just watching this anime are about leadership. If you want to lead people to make whatever you want, you need to align your goal with there. When your goal is the same with there, they will do it wholeheartedly because the bond that connects your hearts are the same.
Pride of orange is the title

The title of the episode is the pride of the orange. If you look at it closely, the orange represents the team as a whole as their color. And if you look at the meaning of the color orange, it means passions. It is the color of flames which means the flaming passion of a person. It is the pride of the flaming passion of the series. I think this is the meaning behind the title.
This is the last episode

Apparently, this is the last episode of the show. My feelings towards the ending are kinda mixed honestly. I am happy that the team won and sad at the same time knowing that this is the last and final episode of the series. It was an emotionally captivating show if you are looking for a show that is positive that facing the reality of struggles and plot walls in your life. For me, this is what I need. It hits all the right spots up to the end. I will miss it.
there is a mobile game

Probably it is only in Japan. I didn’t hear this game on the global market and it wasn’t on the Play Store. There is a game on this show. It is probably a mobile game of some sort. A gacha game from japan about ice hockey idol girls is a rhythm game. I don’t know but if it ever came out into the global store I will play it.
All of the landing points have been landed. It was a good landing because the dream monkeys won and the smiles of the winners are admirable. However, it is quite sad to see this is the last episode of the show but apparently, there is a mobile game on it.
Overall, I am quite satisfied watching this show from beginning to ending.