On this blog, I will try to rank the best things this anime’s strengths on this tier list. This is just my opinion and put a grain of salt on this blog,
1. It's wholesome

One aspect that made this anime great is that it is pure innocence and a perfectly cute anime. You won’t see any elements of sin such as sex and horniness. It is likened to a boy in his early years before he hits puberty. In this anime, there is no malicious intent put on the show. It is just too pure and too sweet that it will make your sweet tooth happy because of the amount of sweetness the show presented. Every scene is like eating chocolate and ice cream at the same time. This whole anime will give you diabetes because of the amount of sugar you will be in taking on each episode.
2. It's romantic

Romance is a good thing that will make this world a better place. If every people know love a finds one partner, the world would be peaceful. In this anime, the romantic elements of the show didn’t fail me and it is the reason why I made this blog in the first place. I want to right the things that are good about this anime. It didn’t take a break when giving us the amount of romantic scenes this anime has offered. The writers put their feeling into each story and were able to deliver it.
3. It has a good opening song

When those beats drop you nod your head because it slaps. The song is a combination of future bass and Japanese song. You will hear the sine sound and element put unto the song. They remix together with the sound of a Japanese voice with the sine and it is a very good thing to listen to. I also like the sound of rain droplets at the start of the song with a scene of snow falling on Tsukasa at the opening song. It gives you the feeling of calmness that the episode is trying to give us. I sounded a little bit calm at the beginning, however when the beat drops, the music slaps. You won’t hear this to normal Japanese song because this genre of song is pretty unique. We called it Kawaii future bass. I liked this song and listen to this type of genre every time. If you search it on youtube, you’ll love this genre.
4. no villain and antagonist

This show is so pure to the point that you won’t see any villains or antagonists on the show. I put it on this list because this thing is worth mentioning. It is one element that will make an anime you are making pure bliss and pure romance. Most of the shows and romance out there have some kind of plot on them that spices their story but tonikaku kawaii is pure cuteness with the dark elements on the show. In my opinion, most of this stuff is innocent and worthy to put on this list
5. Focuses on romance

I like the fact the the entire show is focused solely on the romance element on it, On this anime we are able to see that in every episode of the show there is that romance elements to it
These are the top 5 best thing i found great on this show.