It will make you depress

Depression is a serious issue and a common problem with anime fans. In my opinion, this is because of the surreal amount of nihilistic anime published by anime studios and manga authors. These studios who published this sort of thing doing this type of stuff are common since they know that there is a huge amount of audience in this type of genre. This genre of anime is making you feel cool and edgy where in reality It is making your vibe low that leads to depression. Anime such as serial experiment's lane, to your eternity, 86, akamega kill, etc. This show seriously gets to your head and ruins your mental health. These this the reasons why it will make you depressed.
You can take any golden nugget on the show

Watching a show on this theme isn’t worth the time and effort. Not only it will ruin your subconsciously but also you can’t take any golden insight by watching the show. Nihilism in general is distractive since it is the philosophy that everything is meaningless. This is very distractive and its philosophy can cause you the will to live while taking you of your youth. Not only it will move the smile on your face but also it will make you look old and feel old. Usually, this genre of anime has no lesson or golden nuggets that help you in life and the programming of your subconscious mind. You can’t take any useful information when watching a nihilistic-themed anime.
It will ruin your day

Watching a show that has the energy of nihilism gets to you. The vibe while watching this is ruining your youth energy and can cause you to feel unease. It will lower your vibe which can result in you having a terrible day.
Watching anime that has a nihilistic theme can make you depressed because it lowers your vibe energy and youthfulness. You won’t take away any useful lesson on it too.