The funny cows ands sheep

I first encounter this anime because gigguk has put this one on his anime a nutshell video. And gigguks video put a sarcastic joke on it about the cows and the sheep on there sound funny. It was. The cows and sheep I encounter on the first episode sound weird as they “moo and mee” there way. It made me giggle a little, which is nice. They could have the cows and the sheep on there sound a little bit nicer but the hilarious part is they didn’t. they put little to no effort into sounding the cows and sheep there, kinda this blog your reading right now. Haha
The power of habit

Okey tho, this anime seems to have deeper elements on it hiding on the surface. When you watch the first episode you can see that the protagonist just casually doing a small incremental steps daily as she killing slimes and doing he own thing daily on a relax manner . This sling shot her upward and made her the most powerful being on that word. She was at level max and powerful. In my opinion this is deep. Building a habit is hard , thats why you need to lower your goals and relax a bit. By doing small incremental steps daily you will build a habit and it will move you upward. This anime teaches us that habit will make someone powerful. For example when you do 10 push up a day without a fail for 10 years. This push will build on you habit and will not be hard anymore since your body will adopt to it. This is same to the killing of slime on this anime.
Dragon Maid's dance

This anime seems to put some subtle references to dragon maid anime. The dance I saw was the same dance on the dragon maid anime. The noodle arm thingy, I found it nice that they did that. Putting references to some of anime is really nice since it like a meme format that connect and transfers cultural references exchange on it. Putting references on some of your work is really nice because it will make your anime more interesting , in my opinion. I found it interesting.
The Small plant Image

This small plant image really symbolizes the anime in great detail. This tell us that a this anime is all about growth and an building habit that help you. This small plant will grow in something big and beautiful as you cultivate it on you daily habit. This image hit me and trying to tells me something that if I want to build a habit all I need to do is relax, do it in a incremental steps daily in consistent manner and it will help me.
She stopped her to work hard

I like this too, its cute. The music played on this scene was some kind of classical music and it hit different. I like how she stop her to doing her job . Everybody shouldn’t take everything seriously, you need relax a bit and you need to break sometimes. You aren’t a robot , you are a human. You need to rest. This is the lesson I think the author is trying to tell here.
It’s a good 1st episode in my opinion, the anime is trying to tell us something and it really nice.