It is quite surprising to see that nasa kun hasn't do the moves on his wife yet. However, in this episode, we are shown that there are moving in that direction. There will be spoilers on this blog, and I will do it only a little. Feel free to read the whole.
Nasa kun is horny

We are started with the episode where nasa kun has to awaken the urges of a true man. The urges of naughty thoughts usually men have one, in this episode nasa actually thought the horny thoughts. An example of this is he wanted Tsuaka to watch a movie together on his thought. Another one is he wants Tsukasa to take baths together which is pretty horny thought if I say so myself. This thought is actually pretty normal and I am actually surprised to know that our couple hasn't done the thing yet even though they are married already. Nasa kun hasn't touch Tsukasa yet. In other countries couple usually have sex before marriage and its quite unusual to see that our couple haven't then it. This is because maybe Tsukasa doesn’t want to do it? 6 episodes deep into this show we only see Nasa kun thinking some naughty thoughts instead of them doing the thing already,
They want to move to a bigger place

It is natural for a couple to have a bigger house since they are two leaving together in the same house. We can also see that Nasa Kun's apartment is pretty tiny. In this episode, they are planning to move to a bigger house because the two of them want to do the thing their naughty thought tells them to. It's funny since Nasa kun talks big about moving to a bigger place however he doesn’t know how to move or buy a house. He asked his parent to buy the house for them. They want to move on to a bigger place together,
They going to see Nasa Kun's parents

It's funny since Nasa kun hasn't talked to his parents about the marriage. We have to at least 6 episodes deep into the anime to find out that Nasa kun actually hides their marriage. Which in my opinion is kinda irresponsible because hiding big things such as marriage is actually pretty serious, I cant wait to see what happens next. Because I am also pretty curious to see what kind of people Nasa Kun's parents were.
Nasaka Kun's pretty horny and he wanted to do naughty things to Tsukasa because of that he wanted to move to a bigger place to do it with her. Because of that nasa wanted to meet his parent to buy the house for them,