Episode 9 deep on the show, it's still wholesome. Not much change and slow progress onto taking nasa kuns V card. They were still on the holding hand's stage and the smooching wasn’t seen since it is still on the horizon yet. Things happen in this episode and this blog is all about it.
There house burned

The funny thing about it is that Nasa kun was able to sense that their house is going to be burned in the previous episode, It turns out he was right, their house was struck by a lightning and burned the entire place. Thankfully nasa kun was able to prepare for this type of stuff. Their useful stuff mostly they took on their backpack on the vacation and all their documents saved on the cloud. Nothing was burned really much that important. This is due to Nasa kuns ability to prepare on the stuff like this. It is quite a good trait to have when calamity strike in every circumstance. A reliable man is always on the top of the food chain. IN our case in this episode, nasa kun was that reliable man. Tsukasa was able to calm herself down because Nasa kun is a readable person when things go wrong. The burning house isn’t a problem if nasa kuns preparedness is there.
Nasa Kuna was able to find a place to stay

Luckily people are willing to give Nasa kun a place to stay. They are the folks on the bathhouse they usually bathe on every day. The one girl who has a crush On Nasa kun. It is funny since the girl that has a crush on Nasa kun is dense that she didn’t notice that nasa kun has a wife already, she thought Tsukasa was just her little sister. At the end of the day, she has to accept the fact that Nasa kun already has someone. Even so, they technically lived in the sane house from now on, In reality, in my opinion, this type of event will resulting in them do some cheating stuff because of lust. Since this was an anime so it's all fine and dandy. Nasa kun was able to live in their friend's house because he is too handsome.
They buy some clothes

Although most of the stuff where safe after the incident that burned the apartment of Nasa kun. Some of their clothes were burned and can never be recovered for the incident. They have to buy some underwear and clothes on this episode resulting in Nasa kun go to a women's wear place that has plenty of women's undies on them. These scenes are somewhat funny. They buy some clothes in the womenswear section.
Episode 9 was an unfortunate event where nasa kuns apartment burned, luckily they have friends that allowed them to stay. However, in this episode the clothes were burned so they have to buy new ones.
