There mission was accomplished

Even tho vivy is just an ai robot, she find a way to accomplished her mission. Her mission is to sing a song and delivered it to us. Not just there world but also to the viewers. She is an amazing singer and she put her heart unto the singing she perform. This is telling us that we should put our heart to anything we do, singing, dancing, youtubing and etc, because it might change the world. An ai did so can we, right?
Vivy died

Because vivy put her soul onto creating and singing a new song even tho she is just a robot, this triggers some malfunction onto her circuit. Because of that she died. I can say that I can relate in someway to this. Since whenever we have to do something new like building new habits like learning piano for the first time or exercising for the first time. Our body tends to malfunction and to heavy itself towards our goals. It admirable that even tho she is just an ai she manage to sing her song out to us. We should do that to ourselves too, we should force ourselves whenever we have to do something new in our lives, we must strive to achieve it
Humans probably hates ai now

This is just a theory but looks to me that the world on this anime will be divided onto two, the city of only ai and the city of only robots. This is my reasonable assumptions since the ai killed a lot of humans on this anime. Even tho some of the robots are good that doesn't mean that there bloodstained hand will be forgiven by humans. But hey that just my theory.
They created a new vivy with a short hair

Ngl she is cute tho, vivy on short hair is cute in my opinion. She looks on the anime that she lost her memories or she is a different ai compared to the original vivy.
Navi probably was the real enemy all this time

Its strange to me that navi didn't affected by the archive’s brainwashing waves. I have a theory that maybe navi in this anime was the enemy all this time since she is watching vivy all the time since the start. Also navi was angry that time that vivy left it.