As innocent as it is, watching anime and entertainment, in general, take a toll on your mental health. If you watch a good show, good you will gain something. However, if you watch bad shows you will lose something. In this blog, I will tell you why these things are happening and how to prevent them.
It will subconsciously program you

Whether you like it or not. Watching stuff programs you. This is because a human being is composed of things such as consciousness and sub consciousness. Watching stuff such as anime won’t affect your conscious mind however watching stuff affect your subconscious mind. This is because the subconscious's only function is to follow what you are trying to program. The subconscious is the one in control of stuff when you are trying to do stuff such as habits in your daily life. If you want to achieve goals or do daily tasks, the subconscious mind will affect it. If you are watching sad and destructive anime your mental health is on will take a toll. Don’t watch bad anime because it will ruin your mental health.
It will affect your vibe

Watching bad anime will affect your mode since it will also affect your vibrations. Our mood is really important in our daily life. Whether we do a simple task like cleaning your room and bed or do a hard task such as going to work. The way you these things and the mode you are in that state is really important. When you are doing something task or something you are sad about can turn into burnout and quit. So watching stuff that isn’t helpful to your vibe really does affect you in all areas of your life. Don’t watch anime that you know will affect your mode in a bad way.
Picking a good anime is crucial for your mental health

Picking anime that you know is bad for your mental health is a terrible idea. If you are watching stuff that isn’t helpful to your mental health you should just stop doing it. If you stop doing it you will notice the change and it will improve your mind. I don’t say that you stop watching anime, I say that you should pick an anime that will help your mood and mental health in the long run.
Watching terrible anime will program your sub conscious mind and will affect your mode so picking up a good anime that won’t affect your mental health is crucial