I am not a feminist but watching this anime will make one a feminist. I am not left leaning person and i am more on the right spectrum of stuff. But watching this anime kinda converted me a little.
Expressing oneself is really a good way of communicating your feeling to everyone. Whether it was through music, literature, speaking, or even artworks. Expressing your feelings on people will make you feel good. There is power when you are pronouncing to the world your feelings. Your feelings can create friendships, enemies, peace, or wars. Feelings are a power that runs this world. In this blog, I will review a show about an artist that wants her feeling to express to everyone even though everyone is against that feeling.
What is Arte

It is an anime about a girl that wants to become a full pledge artist as a job. The center of the show was that it is set in a medieval aged century . it is from that era which is called the "golden age of art". It is pretty much a show that focuses on the struggles of an artist that wants to become a renowned artist at that time. We are following a girl in that time named arte.
Who is Arte

She was a woman in medieval times that wants to be an artist. The downside is that most of the people at that time doesn’t want a woman to be a part of their crafts. Because of that Arte have a struggling experience as an artist because she have to be accepted by men at that time.
Artist in the renascence

I actually like the fact that there are times when artworks or music were the centers of civilization. I like the idea that beauty and craftmanship were the centers of every trade of civilization. Art is the imitation of nature. We use art to express ourselves and try to tell people that what we saw in our environment is either beautiful or the things we find extremely expressive are put into a canvas. If I were extremely wealthy I will be surely buying an artwork I see that the artist put a lot of effort and skill into. Art and their artist in the renascence are really admirable, in my personal opinion.
It was a nice portrayal of the medieval aged lifestyle of artists drawn and presented to us the viewers.