It will last you long

With a schedule, in my opinion, it will give last you very long since the schedule will turn your body subconscious to automatically do stuff for you. habits will propel you upward and it also helps you do stuff that is hard to do. Building a habit might be hard however if you pass the tutorial phase, it will move you upward.
It won’t ruin your reward system

Our brain is consists of chemicals called dopamine. It will release to your body by making you feel good every time you do stuff on anything. Especially when watching anime or playing a video game. Dopamine can be harmful if you won’t see yourself n a good schedule since once the use of dopamine was not handled very well, it will give you feeling like the feeling of guilt, unsatisfaction, and procrastination. Don’t ruin your rewards system
It will make your life better

If you have a schedule, it will help you learn stuff in real life. This is the beginning of the real journey of the walk of life. This is the power of now and the application of all the stuff you learn in like.

I m hoping that you won’t fall from yo schedule and if you do, I encourage you to go back to your track and start from the beginning all over again. It's okay, to fail, we all fail. The important thing is how you plan to come back from the fail schedule.

You can do it.
Remember the rewards are coming your way if you do