If you haven’t noticed yet, waifus today seems to lose its grip on the weebs heart. This is a wild spread and rapidly increasing as they continue in their lives. I think I know the reason why these things are happening in the current day.
Too many waifus

Every season the Japanese are continuing to realize new anime because of the demand on the market. In this season alone there are so many waifus to choose and simp over while losing all your money just to buy its figurine. Because of many waifu coming out, the waifu simps are losing their sense of focus because they don’t want to betray their current waifu over yet another new release waifu. Too many waifus can lead to confusion and thus, confusing weebs are rising.

This is common sense there are too many good and beautiful png girls in anime being given birth by the Japanese. You can’t tell whether that new release waifu is good or not because she looks like a rip-off of another anime girl with the same hairstyle and color. In this phase, you will have the feeling of déjà vu all the time. This will lead you to confusion because you won’t if you are simping for this waifu or that waifu from 5 years ago who looks the same. The oversaturation of this anime waufi can lead anime girls to rip off each other.

The covid 20 virus is the cause why the waifu mete is dying. The people were stuck in their homes doing nothing but staring at their anime figurines all day. This leads to boredom and thus the virus, the aliens, the end of the world is neigh. That’s the reason why boredom can kill the waifu meta game
Different interest

The people grow up on anime. I guess as they grow their interests change. Maybe on your high school day, you love that cute girl in that another world and maybe that’s the reason you have fallen in love with it. Now that you grow up, you have fallen in love with a real girl that you will do anything for her. Leaving your childhood memories might be hard but as we grow our interest will change over time I guess.

Losing interest in something is a normal thing. Instead of looking our eyes away from it, why we should look at it and embrace it.