The protagonist doesn’t want to be an idol

Compared to previous seasons, the leader of the show wasn’t an idol fan. He is just a singer and musician who tends to like music more than dancing. It's good to see that the franchise has done the changes because if they did not do it. The show will be repetitive and no changes to the structure or formula. It was refreshing to watch that this current season is not that repetitive because the protagonist this time hasn't been introduced to the idol theme yet.
Kuku’s Chinese was hilarious

Kuku saw that kanon sing on the streets and immediately grabbed her attention. She chases him everywhere and leads them to the conversation. I find it hilarious that Kuku spoke Chinese on the show. The way she delivered it was hype and it seems like the voice actress of Kuku was having a good time. You can hear the happiness of Kuku as she speaks her native language and you will be drawn by her energy on that scene. Kuku Chinese was hilarious because the actress did her job very well
The symbolism of the name superstar

Compared to the previous season, this one has the symbolism of a star on the entire show. This means chasing for what is above. If you see a star at night in the sky you will be raising your head and trying to look for it. When you do this you subconsciously dreaming above without noticing it. This symbolizes a dream in the grand scheme of things.
The hallelujah song

I don’t know how to feel on this one since they put a Christian reference on their song. Hallelujah means “praise God” in Hebrew and this phrase is sing by churches all over the world. There are the two reasons why they probably put this in there. One, it must be that the phrase hallelujah was good to hear and it rolls off the tongue better compared to other phases for the song. Two, the creators of the show probably are Christians and they want to spread Christianity? Furthermore, it’s really interesting that they put it on there.