It is widely debated amongst weeb why they were attracted about certain drawings that they attached themselves to it. Some say it’s the size of their breast, others the thickness of their thigh, and others the cuteness of their face. On this blog, I will tell you why an anime girl is attractive.
They are attractive because of their cuteness

Cute is a very broad word to describe why an anime girl is attractive. The definition of cute is different incomes to every person, cute means you wanted to protect the anime girl in particular. You need to protect smiles from all impurities from their world. Because that anime girl smile is cute.
The normal the size of the boobs the better

Why did I write this? It is debated on the weeb community that what makes an anime girl attractive. Is it the big boobs that are bigger than the anime girl’s face or is it the small ones that make you question yourself if are you a pedophile? This question is troubling to discuss in the weeb community. But in my opinion, the breast size should be normal-sized once. Because the normal-sized the boobs the realistic it is to Japanese girls. Put a grain of salt on this blog, I am board and this is my fetish.
It makes your heart skip a beat

Yes, of course. Whenever you see those anime girls they will make your heart skip a beat. This is because you found a fetish on those anime girls. Whether it is the big breast, the thigh highs, or the cuteness of a smile. It is your fetish. Just a small piece of advice don’t go to the weird zone of the fetish, it will make you weird to some people.
Why you like anime girls depends on their cuteness because they have normal size boobs and will make your heart skip a beat.
