Actually, this thing doesn’t only apply to anime. This thing includes every other media out there whether it is, Newsletters, Television programs, youtube, radio, and even your neighbor's talk that you hear from your house. This affects you and the way you see the world. This thing will take a toll on you whether you intended it or not. In this blog, I will try to tell you the reason why this is the case, why not only anime but all other mediums will affect you, and why you should be careful about it.
It will change your paradigm

This is the reason why there are so many cultures in the world. That is because there is this thing called a paradigm. One value in another country may be taboo in another country. This is because of the paradigm that has on every country. This paradigm will change your perspective depending on your country. This thing that programs your mind is everywhere in your surroundings. Whether if it was radio, tv, or even how your parents raise you as a child. If you consume another country’s paradigm, ie, media. It will affect the logic in your brain and will make you see the world from a different angle. That is why you should be careful about the foreign stuff that was entering your perspective.
It will influence you

Social media, youtube, and even talks from the restaurants you entered. When you hear this thing, It will affect you, whether you like It or not. New, radio and other platforms when you consume it, it will influence on the stuff that is probably will do good or worst to you. An example of this is Twitter, whenever you heard something on it, it will spark a curiosity in you that will make you think that your previous thought was wrong, and thus, your paradigm will shift because of it. You should be careful what influencing you, and this is including what you watched on anime will influence you may be in a good way or bad way. You should choose wisely and try to filter out what will do good for you.
It will ruin your mood

Whenever you watched anime, you either be in good mood after watching it or you will be in a bad and sad mood after watching it. Show that has a nihilism subtext on it will affect you because of the things that will enter your paradigm. Nihilistic anime will make your mood in a worst state than the previous state before your watching it. This is only my warning but you should be careful about watching the show that will affect your mood on the lower side of the spectrum.
The reason why you should be careful when watching anime is that because it will affect you whether you like it or not. It will change your paradigm depending on what you are watching, it will also influence you and will ruin your mood. This is just my warning when it comes to consuming this kind of stuff.