This is my review of the show called the pride of orange. These are the things that I noticed on the show and these are the thing I want to say on this blog, If you look closely at the show, there are a lot of things that are quite good for your well-being if you digest the medium your consuming. There are the things that came to my mind when watching the show,
Yu can’t run from the thing she loved

It is quite ironic when we see in the last episode the prodigy and talented student named yu quit on the things that make her passionate. Ice hockey is a sport that yu found passionate about joining even though we can see that sadly she quit. Deep in her mind, she wants to skate on the court. Deep inside her is this passion that is burning in her that the sport she recently run away from chased after her. This I through the help of the coach,
The persistence of the coach

The persistence of the coach is admirable. The fact that she is determined to take yu for her to join her ice hockey team is admirable. Persistence takes you to far places and persistence is the thing that makes humans development of their skills. If you perceiver and have a persistence virtue in you, it will take you to the things you want. You will get what you want if you persevere and persist on the goal you want to achieve, in our chase, if we look at the coach. The way she persist for yu to join her team came through, in the end, yu join their ice hockey team thanks to the coach's persistence.
The friendliness of the protagonist

To be honest, I like how the protagonist approach yu and invited her to join their team. This type of personality will take you anywhere. This is the rule that governs this world, if you are good to other people they will be good to you, If you do bad things to other people, they will do bad things to you too. Now if we look at what the protagonist of the anime did in this episode where she approaches yu in a friendly manner, yu responded by giving her a chance to join their team. In the end, Yu joined the team because of the friendly vibe of the protagonist toward yu. Now, on their team, there is a pro player of ice hockey that will lead them to be champions. See, how friendliness will take you to the place of winning and good rewards if you have become friendly towards people.
It was a good episode where yu want to run from her passion but it turns out she can’t. I also like how the coach is persistent on what she wants in life and we saw that she gets what she wants. The friendliness of the protagonist will make them champions.
